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by Pat Parnell
about Vivaldi for Breakfast, Moon Pie Press, 2009
Poems...suffused by Mike's deep love for life in its entirety. ..many poems meld two genres of art--painting, sculpture, music--with the poetry, bringing out deeper insights..Mike's sense of humor makes sure the reader always finds another twist, a surprise dimension rewarding their reading.
by Rex Gillit
about Cardomom Cravings, Sargent Press, 2012
Some [poems] demand to be shouted or sung--and, indeed, have been. Others want never to be heard aloud. All bring something fresh. How enriching to have a master observer as our guide!
by Alice Persons
about Two-Ply and Extra Sensitive, Sheltering Pines Press, 2007
His deft handling of many settings and themes, with a frequent welcome leavening of humor, marks a mature poet who has read and written a lot. Albert is obviously in love with words and knows how to bend them to his purpose.
Mid-Autumn, Rampant
I spent my 53rd birthday playing chauffeur
to my new friends and their Spanish guests,
visitors from Segovia. A weekend of late
lunches and later suppers, earnest conversations
in Castilian, lobsters, great art in Portland, the last
evening light at Biddeford Pool: pink water under
a turquoise sky. Foxie, my dear friend Jan's dear cat,
died quietly that evening, cradled in her arms: old,
sweet, and generous in her dotage. And Stephen,
my best friend, started treatment--x-ray then chemo--
for inoperable brain cancer. The glittering first freeze
took out all but the asters and goldenrod overnight.
Mid-autumn, rampant on my birthday: cruel,
spectacular juggernaut of nostalgia, of regrets.
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