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by Jean Dany Joachim, Poet in Residence, First Church, Cambridge
A poetic trip through memories, places and the joy of writing.
by Susan Antolin, editor, Acorn Haiku Journal
Whether capturing an everyday moment at home in Massachusetts or exploring the back streets of Seoul or Florence, David McCann writes with equal reverence and sensitivity to precisely the details that matter most. Spare, inviting, and exquisitely rendered.
Not This Stick
Beautiful silver pen,
dragons circling it,
the poet Midang gave me saying
“Here, use this; write
your own poems, you have
translated plenty of mine,”
doesn’t work and never did.
“Here, write with this,”
he said, and took off
for the next world, laughing.
Stick of incense, this
a twig some dog
should carry in its mouth,
prancing down the street.
Let a dog try to write poems
with this pen!
Here’s a dog, strolling
in his quilted blue coat,
four arms or legs, a leash.
A dog like this
should have a cell phone too!
Put me on a leash and lead me.
I want to be fed from a can,
drink from a bowl on the floor,
mark the stages of my liberation
up and down the avenue
with this pen!
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