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by Ed Ochester, Editor, Pitt Poetry Series
A lawyer with a heart? That's not really so unusual. But a lawyer who writes emotionally moving poems that stand up--as Walt Whitman says we should--for "the poor, the weak and the crazy", that is unusual, And that is exactly what Jim McKenna does.
by John McVeigh, lawyer and writer
Lawyers see comedy and tragedy every day. Jim McKenna takes the time to stop, look and listen. All of the poems in this volume are finely observed, with great precision of words and line....Law is not the focus of these poems--life is.
Bartlett Road and Nine Central Street
There are two teenage girls,
awake in two different homes,
one rich, one poor, listening
to the turnpike that never ceases:
cars with narrow whines,
trucks that change gears with
heavy shrugs. Some are falling
behind, others racing ahead.
One of the girls imagines she
hears…what? A produce truck
hurrying to Shaw’s? A nurse
returning from Kennebec General?
But the other girl hears tense men
speeding from their angry homes.
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